miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2008

Carcode GSOC

I haven't posted anything since Alpha 1 and currently we have Alpha 2 available, Beta 1 is around the corner (has been for quite a while).

Google Summer of Code has ended, most features from my proposal where fulfilled, but I'm still working on it on my free time, altough now with school I don't have as much time as in summer vacations but is free time anyways.

I have updated the screenshots section from the carcode project page with latest work (beta 1):


Currently I'm working on adding a few levels in order to have a Beta with something to work on, more levels will come and ofcourse, you can make suggestions, there is a wikipage on level design:


Feel free to add and modify!

Last but not so last, I'm Alive! and working on carcode! don't worry :)

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